Wednesday, July 9, 2014

The Transition from Horse Owner to Barn Owner

Rico is home where he belongs, and my world is back on its axis.  Inky did not return but he's only 10 minutes away, I get daily updates from my daughter, and I can visit him if I really need an Inkster fix.

Meanwhile, we've taken in a retired mare to keep Rico company, so I'm in the process of making the transition from a horse owner to a barn owner with the daily responsibility for another person's much loved animal who arrived as a complete stranger to both Rico and I.   Fortunately for me, she's a healthy, well trained, sweet horse with wonderful, easy owners.

It's an enlightening journey.  Every decision made has to be carefully weighed not only for what I feel is correct, but to also provide reassurance to both myself and the mare's actual owner that she is getting the best care possible in the environment that her owners have carefully chosen for her.  So far, I've only had a few moments of panic.

So I want to take this moment to introduce Rico's new companion - Felicity.  She's the bay.  It's really hard to get a photo of either of them alone - they're like high school sweethearts, including the occasional, overly emotional disagreements!

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