Friday, March 2, 2012

I Want to be a Barn Biddie!

For some reason,  this thread is first trainwreck that I actually took an active part in contributing to the pile on.   I don't really know why this got me so riled up.  I'm really not a person who cares what other people think.  (To a fault.)   Maybe the fact that I'm a middle aged woman who dotes on her horse but has no serious riding goals is the reason I was annoyed at having the whole demographic dismissed as a subject of ridicule.  Not because the shoe fits, but because it is so easy to create the stereotype that all middle aged women with the means and time to hang out together and dote on their horses without having serious goals are troublemaking biddies.

So I've decided that I aspire to be a barn biddie.  I can think of nothing more blissful than the idea that I would actually have enough time to hang out at the barn with my friends or spend so much time riding with them that I could actually be in someone else's way!   Please God, will you someday give me the time to be a barn biddie?  I promise to be the biddiest of them all if you grant me this wish.

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